Monday, May 14, 2012

motivation monday: attack of the dust bunnies

This week, as part of my quest to reorganize the closet, I had to resort to cleaning out the space under the bed.

"Why?" you ask.  Why on earth would I subject myself to that kind of pain? Why would anyone voluntarily submit themselves to the wrath of the Dust Bunnies?

Well, the answer is simple: the comforter taking up all the space on the top shelf of the closet had to find a new home. Which meant that it had to go under the bed.  

The space under the bed hadn't been cleaned in a while (don't tell my mother), so I figured I might as well tackle that, too, while I had the motivation.  

So, last Friday, I put on shorts and got down to business.  

First stop: The Container Store.  Do any of you love this store as much as I do? They have all the organization products you could ever want wrapped up in one tiny store.  I was on a mission for a way to store the blanket, and I found the perfect thing: the blanket bag.

(click image to see product)

One planned purchase and one un-planned purchase later, I had my solution to The Comforter Problem.  I was able to fit the entire fluffy comforter/duvet-filler thing into the small bag!

I trekked home, pulled every single thing out from under the bed, tackled it with my fake swiffer (it has a cloth pad that I can wash and reuse!), wiped off the tops of containers, and put everything back neatly. Only took me about an hour! Hah.

Step one of closet reorganization complete! And, as a bonus, I finally got the space under the bed cleaned!

Perhaps my sense of accomplishment at completing this one task will spur me to complete all the others I'm working on. Maybe. 

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