Friday, May 25, 2012

how-to: chippy wooden frames

In the midst of all my diy and projects and details for my wedding, I thought I would share this project with you!

At a lovely bridal shower this past weekend, some of the ladies helped me make these adorable picture frames.  Eventually, I'm going to spray paint the inside glass with chalkboard paint. But, even without the chalkboard paint, I think they're adorable. 

In fact, I got so excited about the project that I forgot to take pictures while we were doing it!

cheap wooden frames (mine were about $3 from Hobby Lobby)
2 colors of paint (one that's appropriate for wood -- I had 3 color options and told everyone who helped me to just pick their two favorite!)
paint brushes
a wax candle (I picked one up from CVS for about $1)
sandpaper block


1.  Using the candle, rub wax on places around the frame that would get chipped in every day life: flat stretches, corners, etc.

2. Paint the first color on.  Wait for it to dry.

3.  After it's dry, use the sandpaper block to lightly buff the places you put wax earlier.  The paint should come off fairly easily.  Buff until it looks chippy enough for you.

4. Rub wax on a second time.  A good portion of it can go in the same places.  It's also nice to put some in new places on the frame so the first color will show through the second color a little. It's up to you, though!

5. Paint on the second color! Wait for that one to dry.

6. Buff with the sandblock again! Buff until you're happy with the final result.

All done! Do you love them?

1 comment:

  1. Days of heavy weight wood furniture are gone, light and Cheap Wood Frames of excellent quality are being preferred for construction. Thanks for the informative blog!
