Monday, April 23, 2012

motivation monday: stuck in the closet with you

After seeing the Take Ten posts on A Peaceful Mom, I have decided to get started organizing myself.  The idea is to take ten minutes a day to improve your life in some form or fashion. For me, this begins with organizing my home.

Let me begin with two pieces of information:

1.  I'm getting married in June.
2.  Rent is expensive in the city. 

With those two pieces of information in mind, the future husband and I have almost completely settled on living in my teeny tiny studio apartment for the first little bit of our marriage.  It'll be fun.  We like each other, obviously, so spending time together is fun.  And we haven't had time to accumulate enough stuff to fill a house, yet.  (Although, I'm having a hard time believing all our stuff is going to fit in a studio.)

Since the wedding is less than two months away (eek!), the soon-to-be-Mr. has expressed a wish to move some of his things in gradually.  I'll admit, this sounds easier than blocking off an entire weekend and being tired.  Whenever he comes over for an evening with me, he brings a few more things. 

This leads me to a new project.  The closet needs to be reorganized.  It's a tiny closet that matches the tiny apartment, and now it needs to house two persons-worth of clothing.  Oy.

So, I thought I would post a little motivation for myself.

Maybe you're not ready to be up close and personal with my closet, but here goes.

This is what we're starting with.  Messy, huh?  It definitely needs some love.

I'm starting by paring down things I don't need and reorganizing the storage space at the top.  I figured I would start at the top and work my way down. Anyone have any helpful ideas? (Keep in mind, I have little to no drawer space...)

There is more space on the sides, but I decided to spare you the photos of that. No need to embarrass myself more than I already have!

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