Sunday, May 6, 2012

little how-to: lemon salt scrub!

I have been working on so many small projects, lately!  Most of them are wedding-related, but a few are just for fun.  This one is both!

I've seen so many "recipes" for body scrubs around the internet over the last few months, so I thought I would whip up one of my own.  

course sea salt
olive oil 
lemon juice

I didn't use specific measurements.  I put some salt in a bowl and added enough olive oil to almost reach the final consistency I was looking for (don't forget about the lemon juice!).  I was looking for something like a paste, but a texture easy enough to spread around with a washcloth -- not clumpy.  Olive oil is good for your skin all by itself, so don't worry about using "too much" of it.  

The last thing to go in is the lemon juice.  Be careful with that olive oil.  The lemon juice is more runny, so it might take a little testing to get the right consistency.

This is what my mixture looked like:

After I was satisfied with my mixture (and I tested it on my hand because I was curious), I put it in some adorable mini mason jars, threw a little touch of fabric in the lid, and tied a twine bow. Voila! Part of the bridesmaids' gift!  

To use: with already clean skin, rub the scrub in a circular motion over skin to exfoliate.  Rinse and enjoy!

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