Thursday, March 29, 2012

a friend of mine

I have a very special friend named Marge.  I see her twice a week, at church-related events.  She is 86 years old and one of the sweetest women I have ever met.  Marge is opinionated, loves to tell stories, cares deeply about her friends, and, as I learned last week, enjoys spending time in her garden.

I currently live in a miniature studio apartment (no patio or garden or anything), and growing or keeping flowers is quite the challenge. I've had to be creative when I want flowers or living things.  My poor excuse for a dining table isn't even used for dining, anymore.  Flowers and crafts.

Anyway, I had no idea Marge loved to garden.  Last week, Marge and I spent a few minutes talking about flowers and gardens and her low-maintenance yard.  She had spent all afternoon pulling weeds and had a sunburn, but looked happy.

This week, she surprised me!  She brought me flowers from her garden!  She had remembered that I love having flowers in my apartment and brought me lilacs from her own garden.

Aren't they just beautiful?

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