Tuesday, April 10, 2012

new life in a soupcan

I decided to try my hand at growing plants from seeds this year.  Yes, I know.  I don't have much room.  Yes, it's hard work.  Yes, I lost several of the seedlings and had to start over.  However, they're doing better now!

I'm especially excited for the Chinese Forget me Nots. Eventually, they'll produce small little blue flowers that I think are so adorable.  I can't wait.  I may have to wait another year for them to bloom, but, in the meantime, it's pretty exciting to watch them grow.  Plus, soupcans in my apartment are getting a new lease on life!  Hooray for recycling!

This is what my little Forget me Nots should look like in the future.  It'll take a while to get to this, though.

But, for now, my little seedlings are still developing.  (See picture below.)  They're so...enthusiastic!  One day, I hope to have a big, beautiful garden.  For now, though, I'll have to content myself with living in an apartment that is taken over by a makeshift container garden.

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